Here is my reply:
It’s all spin. Both parties have flip-flopped on the issue of Income Trusts. To be honest I think that the both the Government and Opposition Finance people are just experimenting,… it’s scary but I don’t think they have the slightest clue of how things work. I thought I’d never say this, but I really miss the days when Paul Martin was the Finance Minister and things felt stable and just worked.
I have been a regular reader of the Market Guy, he is a Econ Prof and sporadically produces newsletters about his investment strategies and the financial market. He wrote an article on the Conservatives decision back in January that is still a good read today: http://www.marketguy.ca/
What worries me about the email? It’s the line that says:
"the Liberal plan will return at least 2/3 of investors’ money by replacing the 31.5% tax with a modest 10% tax paid by companies"
Just what in the hell does that mean? Do the Income Trusts have to pay that 10%, or is it the US companies that have purchased the trusts (smacks of G.W. Bush himself!). Or worse, do all Canadian companies have to pay a “bail out” fee through corporate taxes to all the investors who were too greedy to make sure that their portfolios were diversified enough?
Hmmm, I feel a rant:
I guess I am getting fed up with the blatant partisan political machinery here. Are party supports so closed-minded that they can’t see they are being taken for fools? I do not support any parties financially, I have had PC and Liberal signs on my lawn, I have voted for Yogic Flyer's, Marxist-Leninist's, Reformers, Blue Tories and Passionate Liberals. I have a Political Science degree, which if nothing else, has made me politically skeptical and put me in the “most un-likely to vote category”. But I am sorry Mr. McCallum, you’re scary email won’t do the trick…, if you want $100, or even $400 from me your going to have to do more than show a declining red line superimposed over a well fed Stephen Harper peppered with ominous undertones of "American Takeovers”. If you are really interested in scaring potential contributors to the Red Machine might I recommend some devil horns on the First Minister next time, or maybe a bonfire with Mr. Harper forcing senior citizens to empty their wallets and purses into the pyre (think Lord of the Rings bleakness).
I have been a regular reader of the Market Guy, he is a Econ Prof and sporadically produces newsletters about his investment strategies and the financial market. He wrote an article on the Conservatives decision back in January that is still a good read today: http://www.marketguy.ca/
What worries me about the email? It’s the line that says:
"the Liberal plan will return at least 2/3 of investors’ money by replacing the 31.5% tax with a modest 10% tax paid by companies"
Just what in the hell does that mean? Do the Income Trusts have to pay that 10%, or is it the US companies that have purchased the trusts (smacks of G.W. Bush himself!). Or worse, do all Canadian companies have to pay a “bail out” fee through corporate taxes to all the investors who were too greedy to make sure that their portfolios were diversified enough?
Hmmm, I feel a rant:
I guess I am getting fed up with the blatant partisan political machinery here. Are party supports so closed-minded that they can’t see they are being taken for fools? I do not support any parties financially, I have had PC and Liberal signs on my lawn, I have voted for Yogic Flyer's, Marxist-Leninist's, Reformers, Blue Tories and Passionate Liberals. I have a Political Science degree, which if nothing else, has made me politically skeptical and put me in the “most un-likely to vote category”. But I am sorry Mr. McCallum, you’re scary email won’t do the trick…, if you want $100, or even $400 from me your going to have to do more than show a declining red line superimposed over a well fed Stephen Harper peppered with ominous undertones of "American Takeovers”. If you are really interested in scaring potential contributors to the Red Machine might I recommend some devil horns on the First Minister next time, or maybe a bonfire with Mr. Harper forcing senior citizens to empty their wallets and purses into the pyre (think Lord of the Rings bleakness).
Don’t get me wrong here, I am not saying that the Liberals are the only perpetrators of this low-brow campaigning,.. all parties, yes even the lowly NDP and the wayward Green’s. Stop treating us like idiots. If you would like to work for us, take a serious look at how you are spending our money, tread lightly and please do not insult our intelligence with this asinine drivel. The majority of Canadians are NOT party faithful, we are reluctant participators in a wonderful democracy. Get it wrong at your own peril.
Here endeth the rant.
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