Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Canada and Apple's iPhone 3G

Everyone in Canada is concerned about the existing duopoly between Roger's and Telus in the marketplace, and how the two behemoths are able to keep their voice and data rates at astronomically high levels despite consumer outcry. Enter Tom Bielecki, an engineering student at the University of Calgary, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Tom has started an online petition for Rogers to reduce its data rates tied with the introduction of the new Apple iPhone 3G. The issue is compelling from a consumer point of view, and raises the spectre of fair treatment in the context of a North American market.

I trust that AT&T's iPhone plan plus roaming charges will cost more than the basic plan that Roger's/Fido will offer in Canada. If not, count me in for a post office box in Montana and an AT&T contract!

So far the petition has got more than 6,000 signatures. Check it out at http://www.petitiononline.com/iPhone99/petition.html and add your signature to the list.

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